Out in the Desert of Ro something new has appeared. A tower floats above the shore, a tower that is also the vehicle and focal point of much of what is planned for the EverQuest 25th anniversary celebrations.
Announced on the EverQuest site earlier today along with patch notes, this is the start of the Year of Darkpaw, where Daybreak and its Darkpaw studio celebrate both the 25th anniversary of EverQuest but also the 20th anniversary of EverQuest II.
They also have a roadmap coming. They gave PC Gamer an exclusive for the reveal of the 2024 roadmaps for both titles. I will get to those in more depth in later posts I am sure, but there is a lot going on there.
I’ve been out to the tower already… and there isn’t much going on there yet. You can stand on the teleport pad and enter the tower, but none of the doors are open so the climb to the top has yet to begin. Soon though.
We shall see if there is anything in that tower for a lapsed Norrathian like me. Maybe?